Killer whales sneak in fishermen to cut all fish

The flock of killer whales stalked the fishermen's ship to cut their hands on all the fish they had just caught.

Fishing fishermen off Alaska, USA, confirmed killer whale attacks on the catch they caught were more and more frequent, the IFL Science reported yesterday.

According to American fishermen, recent killer whales track fishing vessels that specialize in catching flounder and black cod in the form of long fishing lines. They then leisurely eat all the fish that have been bitten, but it does not take much effort to hunt.

Picture 1 of Killer whales sneak in fishermen to cut all fish
Killer whales rob tons of fishermen of Alaska fishermen.(Artwork: NOAA).

According to John Moran, a biologist at the US Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) fisheries agency, killer whales are smart enough to recognize the sound of fishing vessels, even knowing when ships lower the line to the water.

With a few thousand killer whales living in the Bering Strait, the damage they cause to fishermen can be huge. According to Alaska Dispatch News, a less fortunate fisherman named Robert Hanson, the captain of the FV Oracle, lost the catch he caught during the day when the 50-killer killer whale followed and followed his ship.

Before that, he had lost more than 5,400kg of flounder and had to use 18,200 liters of fuel to escape the fierce predatory whales. Other fishermen who tell killer whales also bring their young children to the ship to feed and show them how to take advantage of the pre-set meal.

The extermination of killer whales and sperm whales is very difficult. Fishermen have tried to use buoys and loud music to make them confused, but the effect is not really high.

A successful way to expel fishermen from the Southeast Alaska Sperm Whale Avoidance Project (SEASWAP) is to wear satellite tracking rings to help fishermen determine their location, thus avoiding the area where they hunt. .