Killer whales undergo menopause the same as in humans, and this trait can be evolved to improve their descendants' survival.

Canadian rescue workers are racing against time to rescue 11 killer whales trapped in ice in Hudson Bay.

Scientists found the longest menopausal killer whale among the animals except humans. This helps them to nurture the grown-up sons, increasing the ability to transmit seeds to the

Scientists say they have discovered a fish believed to be an adult white killer whale off the coast of Kamchatka, eastern Russia. They named it Iceberg. If this information is

The fact that giant killer whales do not have the habit of killing at sea.

Archaeologists found a giant geoglyph up to 70 meters long carved on a hillside in the desert in the remote Palpa region of southern Peru, according to Live Science.

The 5-million-year-old tooth found on a beach in Australia is the first evidence that giant killer whales once lived outside the United States.

Gorillas, sharks, killer whales ... do you think any animal has the strongest bite?

Spider tigers, Cambodian warblers or Epaulette sharks are newly discovered animals in recent years, although they exist for a long time in the world.

The public opinion somehow helped the quiet but bigger victory of environmentalists in forcing the nation's highest court to consider the state of whales in the context of