People who struggled to get out of bed in the morning were really smart

Please give some respect to those who "get up early". They are smarter than you think!

Among us, there are people who sleep for as long as it seems not enough. They can carefree "roast" until noon, then have lunch and then go back to do a "short" afternoon.

Fortunately, they can work up to 3 - 4am, and then continue this series of activities. For one thing, other people are so bored when they have lessons in the morning to see them press the " snooze" button dozens of times, and auto thinks they are lazy and indisciplined.

Picture 1 of People who struggled to get out of bed in the morning were really smart
5 more minutes .

If you are one of those people, then this is good news from science: You can be very smart, creative and always feel happier than normal people.

A British study called "Why is Night Owl Smarter" raises the link between pressing "repeat the alarm" button (Snooze) with creativity, intelligence and independent spirit. The study authors are Satoshi Kanazawa and Kaja Perina have suggested that we have evolved more than our ancestors to adapt to modern life.

This means that getting up early in the morning is an "old" behavior, when people have to be cautious about attacking animals. Now, those who stay up late get up "evolved" to adapt to modern life.

So it is understandable, those who struggle with the Snooze button are those who have evolved very well, and are more likely to be smarter than usual.

Picture 2 of People who struggled to get out of bed in the morning were really smart
Who I am? And where is this?

The second correlation is more related to intuition: If we practice how to listen to the body's needs and postpone for another 5 minutes, instead of listening to the cries of the shrill cell phone calling us up, We often have the ability to follow our own dreams and find solutions to all problems.

It is this that makes people more creative and independent.

Another study conducted by the University of Southampton also supports this hypothesis, by comparing the socio-economic status of 1229 people. The results showed "night owls" (going to bed after 11 pm and waking up after 8 am) with higher incomes and a more comfortable lifestyle than average.

Picture 3 of People who struggled to get out of bed in the morning were really smart
Those who struggle with the Snooze button are those who have evolved very well.

However, this does not mean that we should lie on the bed forever. Although people who stay up late to get up late are happy and intelligent, there are dangerous dangers when sleeping too much.

For example, a study has shown that if you sleep more than 12 hours a day, your risk of sudden death will be higher.

So what to do must be moderate. You can sleep late a little early, but don't overdo it.