'Pink noise' enhances deep sleep

Pink noise played during specific times during sleep helps deep sleep or slow wave sleep for people with mild cognitive impairment, at risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Roneil Malkani, professor of neurology at Fernberg Medical University of Northwest University (USA), shared on Psychcentral: 'Our findings show that deep sleep or slow wave sleep is the goal of treatment. feasible and potentially important for people with mild cognitive impairment. The results deepen our understanding of the importance of sleep to memory, even when memory loss'.

Picture 1 of 'Pink noise' enhances deep sleep
According to the study, there is a significant relationship between strengthening deep sleep with pink sound and memory.(Photo: Shutterstock).

Experts have prepared sound stimuli that are pink noise (similar to white but deeper noise). System to monitor brain activity of participants. When the person sleeps and the brain waves are slow, the system makes sounds. If they woke up, the sound stopped playing.
Through empirical research, experts found that people with the brain responded most strongly to pink sound stimulation during sleep, improved memory expressed by the quality of tests the next morning. In other words, there is a significant relationship between strengthening deep sleep with pink sound and memory.

Deeper sleep, the better the memory response. Dr Roneil Malkani explained, deep sleep is important for memory consolidation. Sleep disorders occur in people with mild cognitive impairment, the most pronounced changes include reduced deep sleep time.

'These results suggest that improving sleep is a promising new approach to preventing dementia. It's a potential treatment, people can do it themselves every night , 'Mr. Malkani told Psychcentral.