Robot model on the catwalk

Japanese experts have introduced the first type of robot in the world to be able to showcase fashion.

Picture 1 of Robot model on the catwalk

HRP-4C has the average height and weight of Japanese women. Photo: AP.

This modeled HRP-4C model robot has 30 motors in the body, allowing her to "step" and move her arm smoothly. 8 motor on the face helps HRP-4C express anger and surprise. This special engine has a height of 1.6 m and weighs 40 kg, the average of Japanese women.

In the test, the model robot winked out and said "hi everyone" with soft female voice. Its mouth was moving when the sound came out. During the show, HRP-4C kept its surprising look. When asked to "laugh" or express anger, "she" opened her mouth and winked to make a funny face.

The steps of HRP-4C can not compare to the professional model because "she" always bent knees. Robots have sensors in their legs but they are not able to balance the body like humans.

Picture 2 of Robot model on the catwalk

HRP-4C shows facial expressions. Photo: AP.

"Technically, this robot has not reached the level of self-balancing we have." Many people also think that she is a little low and only performs normal movements, " said Hirohisa Hirukawa, an expert at the Institute. Japanese industry and high-end technology.

The biggest challenge in HRP-4C manufacturing is the design of "feminine" parts such as lips, breasts and buttocks. They want model robots to have the height and weight of modern Japanese women. Each version of HRP-4C will be sold for 20 million yen (more than 3.5 billion VND).

The authors claim that the HRP-4C's programming technology will be publicized so that technology-savvy people can make fun of robots.