Karl Bates and colleagues from the group of mechanical and paleontological researchers have recently recreated the bodies of five dinosaurs.

The Chinese Hang-3 and Hang Nga-4 Lunar explorer ship entered the first phase of model research.

Try imagining for a moment that the entire universe freezes.

Nature has given birth to animals with diverse voices, low pitched sounds or very different small intensity.

Fortunately, the girl was lucky to escape after this rare accident but the python suddenly died of poisoning from silicon.

Japanese artist Natsumi Tomita has used from broken umbrellas to cans, kitchen utensils thrown away to create beautiful, colorful animal models and treat them as ... children.

A flying saucer worked really, but not from the universe, but from Florida, USA.

Japanese experts have introduced the first type of robot in the world to be able to showcase fashion.

The new Industrial Research Institute (Kobe, Japan) Robotics Research Institute has developed a robot that can be styled as a fashion model.