The mysteries 'buried' over time

Studies have been going on for hundreds of years, but scientists still give up on the unanswered question.

Chupacabra monster

Picture 1 of The mysteries 'buried' over time

Phylis Canion currently holds an animal head called Chupacabra at her home in Cuero, Tex. The head that looks like an animal was first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995. Although the image above may prove its existence, biologists insist it does not exist. in.

The iron pillar of Delhi

Picture 2 of The mysteries 'buried' over time

Iron Pillar of Delhi / The iron pillar of Delhi is dated to 1,600 years old, over 6.7m tall in India. This column made of 98% wrought iron has shocked scientists when it has not been rusty after many years.

The spherical stones in Costa Rica

Picture 3 of The mysteries 'buried' over time

Discovered in the early 1940s in Costa Rica during an excavation conducted by the United Fruit Company, these round, spherical shaped rocks date back to about 600 BC. The purpose of producing these stones is currently unknown but many believe they are made to perform a sun worship ritual.

Tunguska explosion in Russia

Picture 4 of The mysteries 'buried' over time

The Tunguska explosion in Russia took place during 7am 14 minutes on June 30, 1908. So far the cause of the explosion of about 80 million trees on an area of ​​830 square miles is still controversial. Most people believe it is caused by a meteorite while others think it is a black hole or UFO origin.

Mothman - bird-shaped monster

Picture 5 of The mysteries 'buried' over time

A type of human-shaped monster with wings and bloodshot eyes known as Mothman, which once infested Point Pleasant, W.Va during the late 1960s. the existence of this creature except for some testimony of witnesses.

Jersey monster

Picture 6 of The mysteries 'buried' over time

According to legend, 250 years ago a Jersey woman cried desperately during her 13th pregnancy. After giving birth, the baby was like a kangaroo but had wings and could fly away. Today, many people have modeled after this monster's appearance.