The first person to go to the moon rests under the sea

Neil Armstrong, the first astronaut to set foot on the moon, once wanted to be buried in the sea, so his relatives would fulfill this wish.

>>>The pioneering American astronauts: That day, now

On August 25, former Armstrong astronaut died at the age of 82 due to complications of previous heart surgery. Rick Miller, the Armstrong family spokesman, said the former astronaut once wanted to be buried in the sea, because he was a US Navy pilot.

Picture 1 of The first person to go to the moon rests under the sea
Former astronaut Neil Armstrong once wanted to rest in the sea.

Details of the burial of Armstrong are not published in the media. The US Navy confirmed that they performed the burial ritual, but did not reveal the time and place requested by the Armstrong family. The media did not know whether they buried his body in the sea or released ash on the sea.

"He is a navy man , " said former astronaut Jim Novell, Armstrong's long-time friend.

Armstrong's career in the Navy began in 1947, when he enrolled in the US Naval Reserve Army Training Program and studied aviation engineering at Purdue University. From that year, the most important events in his life were related to the sea. At the age of 20, he served on the aircraft carrier USS Essex in the Sea of ​​Japan. He performed 78 combat flights from the USS Essex.

In March 1966, after a flight to space by the Gemini 8 spacecraft, Armstrong parachuted into the Pacific Ocean. In 1969, after setting foot on the moon for the first time, he and two astronauts plunged into the Pacific Ocean before boarding the aircraft carrier USS Hornet.

"Returning to the country means that Armstrong has fulfilled his mission to life," Lovell commented.