The star explodes near Earth, destroying giant sharks

Super giant sharks, whale-sized sea cows . have become extinct because a series of stars exploded before dying, at a distance close enough to launch radiation down to Earth.

The (born at the end of a life's burst before the destruction of a star) looks stunning according to the telescope. But a series of brilliant scenes occurred about 325 light-years away from Earth and caused an extinction disaster for 1/3 of marine life.

Picture 1 of The star explodes near Earth, destroying giant sharks
Stars that explode into supernova have released radioactive "rain" to Earth, destroying a series of large marine creatures - (artwork from LIVE SCIENCE).

According to an article recently published in Astrobiology, a group of scientists led by astronomer Adrian Melott, emeritus professor at the University of Kansas (USA), affirmed that a series of supernova explosions were the cause. makes the sea surface absent.

Archaeological evidence suggests that they once existed on Earth, such as 25 m megalodon sharks or blue whales like blue whales. A series of supernova explosions near Earth were between 8.7 million and 1.7 million years ago and caused great catastrophe. When a star explodes into a supernova, it releases a huge amount of radiation around. With an average distance of only 325 light years like the supernovae mentioned above, a tremendous amount of radiation can fire to Earth.

The team used data from a work published in 2016 that discovered traces of iron isotope-60 in ancient seabed sediments. It is a radioactive variant of iron with a half-life of 2.6 million years. The research steps in the new work led to the scenario of supernovae exploding and connecting these astronomical events to the disaster that killed one third of marine life.

According to Professor Mellott, the amount of radioactivity released by dead stars increases 50 percent of cancer rates in a human-sized organism. For a large animal, the radiation dose increases. That's why super-critters are extinct, and smaller organisms survive. The only lucky thing is that the dead creatures are all dangerous "monsters" .

In addition , the changing environment of the Earth is also thought to be the cause of the combined extinction.