Use worms to decode the

Russian scientists have demonstrated that nitric oxide (chemical symbol NO) works to increase life expectancy in humans.

Picture 1 of Use worms to decode the A group of biologists from the Moscow Institute of Genetics (Russia) and New York University (USA) have published the results of a study in the prestigious scientific journal Cell of the United States on the use of nitric oxide extending age. longevity for a nematode species (also called nematode ).

Scientists selected two groups of nematodes that were unable to self-produce nitric oxide. A group fed with bacteria secreting nitric oxide, the second group fed with bacteria no longer able to secrete nitric oxide. The results show that the life of the first group is 10-20% longer than the second group.

Observing the growth of worms, Russian scientists observed that nitric oxide stimulated the activity of dozens of nematode genes, including genes that govern the resistance of worms to complex environmental conditions. around. When this gene is stimulated, the age of the nematode is increased.

This finding led scientists to take a long step in studying the role of nitric oxide in cell aging.

Thus, in addition to the role of regulating cardiac activity and participating in all metabolic processes, anti-aging ability, increasing cell durability of nitric oxide has also been demonstrated.