Close-up of the footless worms 'nonsense' eating maternal meat

Recently, biologists have discovered a strange behavior of the 'footless' worm: 'worm' I dare eat the flesh of my mother 'worm'.

After years of research, the experts were able to draw conclusions regarding the 'filial' behavior of the 'footless' worm : it was the 'worm' of the mother 'worm' .

Picture 1 of Close-up of the footless worms 'nonsense' eating maternal meat

The scientific world calls this behavior 'maternal dermatophagy' and almost no leg- worms ' species ' satisfy that condition.

In fact, the legless 'worm' is an amphibian species. The name 'worm' comes from the appearance that looks very much like their earthworms or snakes. Mature ' worms' have a body length of up to 1.5m.

Picture 2 of Close-up of the footless worms 'nonsense' eating maternal meat

They live mainly in freshwater areas in tropical regions like South America, India, Southeast Asia . An interesting point is that the 'worms' do not mate for a long time, usually for about 3 hours clock.

As early as the 1990s, expert Mark Wilkinson and Ron Nussbaum discovered a species in this 'unfavorable' tribe: Siphonops annulatus . However, due to the unsatisfactory "legless" earthworm as well as technical conditions, Wilkinson and his colleagues were unable to delve into them.

Picture 3 of Close-up of the footless worms 'nonsense' eating maternal meat

More than 10 years later, Wilkinson once again discovered a new species in this tribe: the footless 'worm' Boulengerula taitanus . And most recently, the person who discovered the Microcaecilia dermatophaga 'worm' in Guiana was himself and another colleague in England.

That was the time when the mother's behavior of eating 'worms' was mentioned by Wilkinson. He described in PLoS One magazine that the newly hatched 'worm' hardly moved or moved much. Instead, they find their way to 'mother ' worms to . eat meat. Their food was a skin of their 'worms' .

Picture 4 of Close-up of the footless worms 'nonsense' eating maternal meat
Eggs of non-legged "worms"

Accordingly, the 'worm' attaches to the tail of the mother 'worm' , then uses the teeth and eats the skin at the end of their tail. This tail layer is harmless, does not affect the 'worm ' individual as well as the health of the mother 'worm' .

Picture 5 of Close-up of the footless worms 'nonsense' eating maternal meat

They even provide the 'worm' with a large, high-fat source of energy. According to zoology experts, eating 'meats ' of meats can help them live for at least a full month. Therefore, it is not exaggerated to say that the 'footless' worm is the most wonderful mother in the animal kingdom.

Reference: sciencealert.