Coming to the worm eggs will be an indispensable drug of humanity

Please note that in the "future", do not eat any nonsense eggs now.

Thinking of parasites, we think of disgusting creatures, causing dangerous diseases for humans. They compete with the host's body for nutrients, thereby making the subject matter even while eating well.

However, taking advantage of this feature, scientists believe that worms will be a "master" to help us lose weight, and treat intestinal diseases.

Picture 1 of Coming to the worm eggs will be an indispensable drug of humanity
Trichuris suis hairworm.

Currently, the Federation of Consumer Protection and Food Safety in Germany is conducting a review of products containing hairworm eggs, used for medicinal purposes. A company called Tanawisa has adopted this product in Thailand in 2012, and is now applying for a license to enter the European market.

The parasite "child" we are talking about here is a type of hair worms in pigs with the scientific name Trichuris suis. They are . "have relatives" with human hair worms.

The scientific basis is that the pig hairworm only grows well when it is in its right host - the pig. If they are in the human body, they will have a much lighter effect, and will not live long.

In addition, the relationship between humans and parasites has long been simply not as much as patients and pathogens, much more complicated. Many experts believe that people have been " too clean" , and that some diseases come from not being exposed to parasites that have been around for millennia.

Picture 2 of Coming to the worm eggs will be an indispensable drug of humanity
Worm eggs.

Basically, helminths are not necessarily bad, but they have been shown to be more effective than expected. For example, there is a lot of evidence that nematodes can help some women in Bolivia conceive more easily.

However, not everyone is optimistic about this method, especially doctors.

"Self-healing with any kind of helminth is not recommended. We should remember that helminths are harmful species" - Helena Helmby told New Scientist - "They can cause very harmful effects. heavy if not strictly controlled by doctors ".

In general, the story of taking worm eggs for treatment is still in the future. For the time being, don't be foolish and eat badly, then regret it.