The deadly leishmania epidemic is raging in Syria due to parasitic whip parasites causing skin ulcers, destroying organs such as spleen, liver, bone marrow ...

Mosquitoes make thousands of Vietnamese people suffer from dengue fever, which is also an infection of Zika virus. Therefore, only one person containing the virus can explode into

Sushi is being mass-produced and sold in supermarkets, most of them are no longer as nutritious as premium sushi in Japanese restaurants.

The parasite, it sounds really scary, but up to 10 of us are nurturing them somewhere on the body.

Scientists have just discovered an unexpected effect of

Associate Professor-Doctor Dinh Thi Bich Lan, Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Biotechnology, Hue University and co-authors have both researched and produced into a

According to a recent study, scientists have stated that raising cats has many benefits for human health, may even reduce the risk of cancer.

Brazilian researchers say they have successfully tested a vaccine against human schistosomiasis, a parasitic worm that affects more than 200 million people worldwide.

Auranofin, a cheap drug that is widely used to treat arthritis, will be a way, according to a study by California (USA) scientists on May 21 in the Journal of Natural Medicine.

International scientists have discovered a family of compounds that create a new generation of antimalarial drugs, which not only eliminates symptoms but also prevents this deadly