Ascaris help solve infertility in women?

This is an opportunity for women's immune systems not to kill sperm that invade or destroy their own eggs. The parasite, it sounds really scary, but up to 10 of us are nurturing them somewhere on the body. However, many times they are not as harmful as you think.

Can roundworms solve infertility in women?

A new study found that Bolivian women are having more children when they are infected with roundworm parasites. Ignoring the scary words, it can be an opportunity for those who are having difficulty in reproduction.
However, do not rush to South America and bathe in the river of native Bolivian women bathing. It will take time to explain the correlation between parasitic infection and improved fertility. Currently, scientists are conducting precedent research for this case.

In addition to new findings, some scientists from Austraila had previously published a study showing the positive effects of parasites on the human body. They tried to infect 40 patients with peptic ulcers. People who were previously unable to digest Gluten, a mixture of 2 proteins were also able to do that when eating pizza, bread or pasta. Some other evidence suggests that some parasites can be used to heal wounds or even treat lung disease.

Picture 1 of Ascaris help solve infertility in women?

Returning to the ability to increase fertility in women, the group of anthropologists from the University of California, Santa Barbara sampled 1000 native Bolivians and studied them for nine years. These women often get roundworm or hookworm as an inevitable condition in polluted living conditions. However, when infected with low doses but not enough for infection, the observed data indicate an unexpected correlation.

'We realize that different parasitic species are impacting positive or negative effects on the subsequent pregnancy of women . If roundworm infection occurs, the distance between two consecutive births will be shortened. It will grow if they have hookworms , "said study author Aaron Blackwell.

Young ascaris-infected women also have their first child at an earlier age. A similar reversal occurs in women with hookworms, they have children later and are affected for the rest of their lives. An average native Bolivian woman has 10 children. The average female infected by roundworm has an average number of 12. Meanwhile, if hookworm infection, they can only average 7 children.

A small coincidence can be seen here, the question is how can intestinal parasites affect fertility? Research needs to be done further, but scientists initially identify the cause of the immune system.

Picture 2 of Ascaris help solve infertility in women?
A group of native Bolivian women.

In healthy women, ovulation time causes changes in the immune system. It will be inhibited and produce less than the foreign cell attacker. This is an opportunity for a woman's immune system to not kill the invading sperms or destroy her own eggs before it attaches to the lining of the uterus.

The interesting thing started to be revealed, ascaris caused a similar reaction in the immune system. Meanwhile, hookworms cause the female body to produce more anti-cellular agents . 'Although we still don't know the true mechanism behind this result, our findings provide a promising approach to the immune system. Using parasites can control the activity of the immune system at will , "said Michael Gurven, a co-author of the study.

The new study, published in the journal Science, not only opens up a new approach to women's ability to intervene, which is an opportunity for people trying to have children.'These results can also be used to influence a community's fertility, in the context of an increasing immune disorder when society develops,' Blackwell expects.