Using a laser to create rain, control the weather

Scientists at Central Florida University have developed powerful laser beam technology, creating artificial rain and weather control.

>>>Lightning protection with laser

Scientists say electrostatic particles play an important role in water condensation and thunderstorm activity in the clouds of a storm. Theoretically, stimulating electrostatic particles by laser is the key to creating lightning.

Picture 1 of Using a laser to create rain, control the weather
Scientists can control the weather and create artificial rains - (Photo: Science News)

Matthew Mills, a graduate student at the UCF Center for Laser Optics, said: ' When the laser beam is strong enough, its operation will be different from normal, meaning breaking that main inner part. More specifically, the laser beam will create intense disruption, causing the electrons of oxygen and nitrogen to be torn apart in the air, creating plasma particles. '

Based on the theory, students at UCF College of Optics and Photovoltaics teamed up with researchers at the University of Arizona to create a 'laser beam' to control the weather , creating bouts. artificial rain.

The high-energy laser beam is surrounded by a second beam, which maintains and energizes the central laser beam further. The system of these two synthetic laser beams, which are projected directly into the sky, causes clouds to pour out, forming artificial rains and creating lightning.

The results of this study are funded up to 7.5 million USD from the Ministry of Defense. This success was published in Nature Photonics.