Video: Mechanic mechanically manipulates a robot controlled by thought

An Indonesian man uses scrap metal to make his own rehabilitation arm.

According to PressTv, Wayan Sumardana, 31, is the owner of a welding workshop in Bali, Indonesia. Sumardana completely paralyzed the left arm, the result of a stroke six months ago.

Picture 1 of Video: Mechanic mechanically manipulates a robot controlled by thought
Mr. Wayan Sumardana and his robotic arm.

During his studies in mechanical technology at vocational secondary schools, Sumardana himself researched and searched for information to build a robotic arm, helping him to move his left arm.

The device consists of a hydraulic frame attached to the arm, connected to the electrode ring worn on the head. Sumardana can use the idea of ​​controlling robotic arms through electrical impulses in the brain.