'Smart eyes' for cars

Hitachi has created a security system that recognizes blood vessels in the hands of car door openers thanks to the sensor attached to the door handle along with the transmitter. produces a ray of light similar to infrared light.

Picture 1 of 'Smart eyes' for cars

Hitachi car security system

A car security system can stop thieves by identifying the lines on the driver's fingers as they pull the handle of the car door.

According to Hitachi, which develops this technology, the system will stop the thief even if he steals the car key. The cause is that the door is open only if the unique fingerprints are identified on the driver's finger.

Technology exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show 2005, held from October 22 to November 6. A sensor behind the door handle uses near-infrared light to identify the fingerprints. Handles are designed so that the hands of the driver are in place each time they open, ensuring the system recognizes the fingerprints.

Hitachi has not revealed how reliable the system is. Previous trials have shown that the system is as accurate as a fingerprint recognition system and does not require much data storage for each user. Hitachi has designed fingerprint-based systems to control access to cash machines, doors to some buildings and even computers.

Minh Son ( NewScientist )

Update 11 December 2018



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