10 degrees Celsius, flowers still grow

British scientists have created a petunia flower that has the ability to withstand resilience before the terrible cold.

Picture 1 of 10 degrees Celsius, flowers still grow
Small flower species with stamina endurance - (Photo: BNPS)

Flower lovers in the West have just been introduced to the first petunia varieties that are excellent in cold winter, surviving even though the ambient temperature is as low as -10 degrees centigrade

This popular flower often blooms brightly from spring to autumn, but only the first breeze is shed.

However, thanks to the tenacity of research for 10 years, now the tiny flower is enough to resist during the winter, according to BNPS.

The new petunia , named Below Zero , can stay in your garden even though it's only snow and frost around.

This flower has been grown at the foot of Mount Vesuvius in Italy for 3 years.