10 prehistoric monsters cause horrors at sea

The giant sea monsters below have once been the fear of the sea inhabitants.

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Shastasaurus - also known as fish lizard, is a predator that looks quite similar to the current whale. This species is a huge size with a length of up to 20m, longer than any predator, in the Triassic period, more than 200 million years ago. Their food is mainly fish.

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Dakosaurus is the first monster discovered in Germany. It is also the most terrifying carnivore in the Juras. This species looks quite like a modern crocodile. It can reach up to 5m long and has extremely sharp teeth.

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Thalassomedon also known as 'Sea King'. This species is up to 12m long, with 2m-long legs, allowing it to dive deep in the sea. This species flourishes into white chalk and only perishes when the new marine beast is Mosasaur.

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Nothosaurus is a bloodthirsty predator. They have very sharp teeth, pointed out. This species often ambushes to catch prey, mainly squid and fish. Fossil evidence suggests that this species lived in the Triassic period, the same period as Shastasaurus.

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Tylosaurus is a species of the Mosasaur family. This species is very large, reaching a length of up to 15m. Tylosaurus' food is quite diverse from fish, sharks, small mosasaurs . and even flying birds. They live in the white chalk, in North America.

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Thalattoarchon Saurophagis recently discovered. It is about the size of a bus, about 9m long. It is one of the early fish lizards, predominantly in the Triassic period, 244 million years ago. They lived a short time after the Earth suffered the Permian disaster. The discovery of this species gave scientists a new insight into the rapid recovery of the ecosystem.

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Although Tanystropheus is not necessarily a marine species, its main food is fish and scientists agree that they spend a lot of time underwater. This reptile can be up to 6m long, and it lived about 215 million years ago.

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Liopleurodon is a sea lizard with a length of up to 6m. They live mainly in European waters in Juras. Its jaws can be up to 3m long, with extremely large teeth.

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Mosasaurus is a giant beast. Archaeological evidence suggests that Mosasaurus can be as long as 15 meters, making it one of the largest marine predators in the white chalk. The head of this species looks quite like the head of a crocodile, with hundreds of sharp teeth, which can destroy even the most well-protected enemies.

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Megalodon is one of the carnivores, the largest shark ever recorded. They lived in the 3rd century, about 28 to 1.5 million years ago. It is considered a large version of the white shark, with a length of more than 20m.