Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world

Giant pythons, megalodon sharks, ancient elephants are massive sized species that once roamed the Earth.

Picture 1 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
The giant land of the Ice Age (Megatherium) is 5.5 meters high.Meanwhile, Glyptodon, prehistoric relative of the tatu today, is about the size of a VW Beetle car.Terror birds, carnivorous birds from the New Born, 3 meters high.

Picture 2 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
Amphimachairodus , a primitive member of the cat family, is 1.3 meters long and weighs an estimated 490kg.

Picture 3 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
lived 58 to 60 million years ago.

Picture 4 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
Gigantopithecus Blacki , the giant ape that lived 9 million years ago, 3 meters high.

Picture 5 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
The name of Canis Dirus wolf means "scary dog".They live at the end of the Renewal and the New Age.

Picture 6 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
Prehistoric sperm whales are 16 meters long from the nose to the tail.

Picture 7 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
D. einotherium , a prehistoric relative of elephants, 4.1 meters high.

Picture 8 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
lived 23 - 26 million years ago.They are relatives of great white sharks and paleontologists that they are 20 meters long.

Picture 9 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
Both A. mphimachairodus giganeus and D. inocrcuta gigantea are 1.3 meters tall, possessing scary teeth and strong jaws.

Picture 10 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
The monumental relative of the brown bear, Arctotherium angustidens, is as tall as an adult man when he crawls with four legs.

Picture 11 of Monsters that dominated the prehistoric world
Fossil record shows the primitive lizard, Megalania prisca , 7 meters long.