The most frightening prehistoric monster mystery

Defeating two prehistoric sea monsters, Megalodon and Leviathan, X Destroyer, Predator X, has become the most ferocious prehistoric creature. With its superior size, this monster became the hegemony of the ocean from around the Jurassic period to the New Age.

Information about Predator-X species

This underwater reptile possesses a huge skull and body length of up to 15.24m. Their bait is 4 times stronger than the T-rex tyrant dinosaur. Predator X has become the subject of a series of documentaries, even of Hollywood.

This species has 4 limbs like paddles that allow them to swim freely in the water.

The two front limbs that act as paddles to swim should grow very large, strong, and the two limbs help them slow down when hunting or speed up when they need to hunt prey in the water.

The food of this species is giant species like whales, plesiosaur .

According to estimates, these found Predator X are more than 15m long, with a jaw of about 2-2.4m in length.

The Predator X's maximum length can reach 17m and its largest weight is about 45 tons, longer than Megalodon.

The function of this species allows them to perform snatches of about 16 tons, twice the bite of Megalodon , which is four times stronger than the giant T-rex , 10 times more than any other animal currently in existence. Earth.

With this bite force, they can easily crush a Hummer car or any prey at that time

Picture 1 of The most frightening prehistoric monster mystery

The X destroyer is not as scary as the original conjecture?

However, it was not until recently that Predator X officially obtained 'scientific descriptions and names'. And it seems that its characteristics have been greatly exaggerated.

DailyMail reported that the University of Oslo team has found two fossils of pliosaurs with features such as large, short necks on Svalbard. They conducted small fossilized skulls and dried some pieces in the laboratory.

Picture 2 of The most frightening prehistoric monster mystery

Previously, the attempts to calculate Predator X's size were complicated by fossils found intact. Archaeologists can only estimate the size of the species based on correlation with other aquatic reptiles. The 4.5m length was released in 2009, making Predator X the ultimate pliosaurs ever discovered.

However, the University of Oslo estimates the complete pliosaurs they find are only about 1.6-2.4m. They are large, but are only equivalent to some other pliosaurs.

Based on the remaining pieces of the fossil spine, the team estimates Predator X's body length is only about 10-12.8 meters, which is about the same as the largest prehistoric animals ever known.

They came to the conclusion that the Predator X's size was exaggerated and in fact, they were just one of the largest pliosaurs ever discovered.