Giant prehistoric crocodile

Paleontologists have just announced the discovery of a new crocodile species. This reptile as a prehistoric monster waving on rivers now belongs to Colombia during the Paleocene, more than 60 million years ago.

The newly discovered prehistoric monster is named Anthracosuchus balrogus . From balrogus comes from "balrog" - a ferocious monster deep in the underground in JRRTolkien's novel Lord of the Rings.

Picture 1 of Giant prehistoric crocodile
Photos: Sci-News

Anthracosuchus balrogus is classified as extinct dyrosauridae. These creatures originated in Africa, swam across the Atlantic to South America about 75 million years ago. It is not clear how this creature survived after the global dinosaurs were wiped out. And they become the strongest carnivores.

Four Anthracosuchus balrogus fossils have been excavated in the Cerrejon coal mines north of Colombia. The Sci-News page quoted Dr. Alex Hasting, the lead author of the paper published in the Journal of Biological History, saying scientists quickly identified it as a new species, different from any dyrosauridae ever found. see before.

The fossil found that Anthracosuchus balrogus is about 5m long, averaging 410kg with a strangely straight muzzle compared to the species in the dyrosauridae family. This snout helps them to be very strong.