10 reasons why Americans have never been to the moon

Skeptics of the Apollo 11 moon landing 40 years ago give many arguments to prove that the event only happened in a certain studio. Here are 10 most important reasons.

1. When two astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin plugged the American flag, it flew away. But on the moon there is no wind. So what made flying flags?

2. No stars appear in the photos and movies about the landing.

3. Spacecraft often create pits on surfaces when landing. But people do not see any holes in the photos.

4. The landing chamber weighs 17 tons but leaves no noticeable trace on the sand, while the footsteps of the two astronauts are clearly visible.

5. The moon has no moisture, its air and gravity are weak, but the footprints of two astronauts last for a long time, as if they were created on wet sand.

Picture 1 of 10 reasons why Americans have never been to the moon

Two astronauts flagged the United States on the moon on July 20, 1969.(Photo: AP)

6. When the cabin landed away from the moon, people did not see smoke coming from the rocket.

7. If " fast-forward " footage of the astronaut's walk in 1969, you will feel like people are recording those footsteps on the earth and reducing the frame rate.

8. Probably, astronauts could not survive after exposure to Van Allen radiation belt - two concentric circles of charged particles held by the earth's magnetic field. The inner circle is 1,000km from the ground and the outer ring ends at 25,000km.

9. The stones that two astronauts bring back from the moon are exactly the same as Antarctic stones.

10. All six US moon landings took place during the presidency of President Richard Nixon. After that, there were no presidents announcing to bring astronauts to the moon, although the level of science and technology developed very rapidly during the past 40 years.

Picture 2 of 10 reasons why Americans have never been to the moon

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the moon on July 20, 1969. (Photo: NASA)

To end the growing rumors of public opinion, the US Space Agency (NASA) released a 30,000-page book to prove that the landing in 1969 actually happened.

In the NASA book explains that the flag flew because when Armstrong and Aldrin flagged the flag, they had to rotate the handle so that it flooded the surface. The main rolling operation makes the flag fly. Because the moon has no atmosphere, the flag does not bear friction due to rubbing with air. Thanks to that, it continued to move after the two astronauts stepped away.

On the second question, NASA confirmed that stars did not appear in the moon's sky because their light was overshadowed by light from the earth and the moon's bright surface.

Picture 3 of 10 reasons why Americans have never been to the moon

Did not see any stars in the sky of the moon.(Photo: NASA)