10 signs of low blood pressure

If your blood pressure is very low, the body will not get the abundance of oxygen to perform its normal function.

>>>10 common causes of hypotension

When blood flow to the organs is insufficient, signs of low blood pressure are formed. Blood pressure 90/60 or lower is called low blood pressure. Here are some signs of low blood pressure, you need to understand:


One of the signs of low blood pressure is when the patient starts feeling dizzy. You start to see the swirls around in an uncontrollable way.

Quickly forget

Forgetting is a sign of low blood pressure. You start forgetting what just happened just a minute ago.


Your limbs start to get numb and a cold wave passes through your body. In cases like this, low blood pressure remedy is to drink warm water to create heat in the body.

Sudden blurred vision

This can be a real threat if you are on the move or on the go. In cases like this, the only remedy for low blood pressure is to sit down and rest, until it returns to health.


A sign of low blood pressure is feeling sick. Patients with this condition start trembling.


Picture 1 of 10 signs of low blood pressure
Photo: boldsky

Fatigue and inability to move is a sign of low blood pressure. In this case, eating fresh fruit will help stabilize your body.


The feeling of neck pain is a sign of low blood pressure. The only remedy for this is to drink lemon juice to control nausea.


You start feeling cold and trembling. The only reason for this is that the body does not receive enough blood.


Fainting is a sign of low blood pressure. It usually occurs after dizziness and instability in the body.

Pale skin

Your skin starts pale and cold due to abnormal flow of blood throughout the body. This is one of the latest and urgent signs of low blood pressure.