10-year weather model

British scientists have announced they have designed a model to predict how oceans flow, as well as how human activity will affect temperatures ten years later.

Picture 1 of 10-year weather model This model also focuses on how the earth will heat up in the next century.

Researchers from the British Meteorological Agency say that between 2009 and 2014, global warming will exceed the current record. However, scientists at the Hadley Weather Research and Forecast Center said that would happen sooner, between the current and 2009 time periods.

Dr. Doug Smith, a weather expert at Hadley Center, said: 'Within 10 years, both climate change and global warming are important; whereas by 2100, only signs of global warming were superior. We will start with the current state of the ocean and the atmosphere, then try to come to a more accurate conclusion. '

According to Dr. Smith: 'The climate has, is and will change. People need more accurate forecasting information to help them adjust their behavior . '