11 weird experiences that happen while you sleep

Everyone wants to have a good night's sleep after a hard day's work. But surely anyone has experienced a strange feeling while sleeping.

Those strange experiences are still a great mystery in the scientific world.

1. Bulb

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which you wake up in the middle of your sleep but are unable to move. You may see scary hallucinations or feel like a stranger is in the room. Sleep paralysis isn't life-threatening, but it can be scary. In ancient times, it was thought that sleep paralysis was associated with the mischiefs of evil spirits.

2. Hypnagogic Illusion

Hypnagogic hallucinations occur when you are about to sleep, your mind is still awake, but you see strange images right in front of your eyes. Often we will see scary faces and strange creatures. Hypnagogic hallucinations are harmless but can make you sleepy and restless if they persist. In this case, you should see a specialist to have a plan to improve sleep quality.

3. Talking nonsense

Chattering is a symptom of a sleep disorder. The characteristic of chatterers is that they say meaningless things in their sleep but cannot realize it themselves. Only the person lying next to you knows what you said.

4. Dream in a dream

This phenomenon goes like this: You go to sleep, dream, then wake up, but strange things keep happening to you. Turns out you were just dreaming about waking up. The phenomenon of dreams in dreams is the inspiration for the movie 'Inception'. After the success of the film, many people said they had a similar experience.

5. Sleepwalking

Sleepwalking manifests as people getting up, walking, cleaning, or even leaving the house while they are still asleep. This phenomenon usually occurs when a person is in between the deep sleep stage and the waking stage. Sleepwalkers are unable to react to events and cannot remember them. In some cases, they even say nonsense.

Picture 1 of 11 weird experiences that happen while you sleep

6. Exploding head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome is a benign condition characterized by a feeling of exploding head like a bomb or gunshot waking you up. This phenomenon is not dangerous, but it is terrifying. Some think they have had a stroke. The majority of people with this syndrome are over the age of 50, but it can also occur in adolescence. 

7. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a sudden cessation of breathing during sleep. As a result, the person wakes up. Sleep quality is reduced, the brain is deprived of oxygen and it is difficult to get enough sleep. Arterial pressure also fluctuates during apnea, which can cause heart problems.

8. Falling on the bed

When you fall into this state, you will feel like you were thrown off the bed from above and woke up. Before you startle, you may find yourself flying, running, tripping, or jumping off a cliff. 

9. Out-of-body experience

This is a phenomenon that occurs when a person is semi-conscious, half-awake and sees himself from a place outside the body. For researchers of the occult and occult, this phenomenon indicates the existence of spirits.

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10. Dreams that repeat

We've all probably experienced this phenomenon - dreaming repeatedly and repeatedly about the same story. Psychologists think that the brain uses such dreams to help us pay attention to something that is often overlooked in everyday life. These dreams will repeat until the situation is resolved.

11. Sudden enlightenment while sleeping

When there is an unresolved problem, you will have to think about it continuously for a long time. Then the brain will give you clues through a dream. The important thing is that you can remember what you see in your dream. 

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev was obsessed with creating a periodic table of the elements and then he saw it in a dream. The same goes for chemist August Kekulé. He dreamed of a recipe for benzene.

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