12 false perceptions you still believe is true

There are truths you always believe to be true but not at all. Let's explore the 12 misperceptions below, you'll have to utter astonishment!

Picture 1 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
1. We only use 10% of the brain.The truth is that most cortical regions work at full capacity even when we are sleeping.

Picture 2 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
2. Brain cells stop growing when you reach adulthood.The truth is that neurons grow and change throughout your life.

Picture 3 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
3. Your eyesight is impaired if you read in the dark or on the screen.The truth is that your eyes feel tired quickly if you read them but will recover after a break.

Picture 4 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
4. Can treat split ends with shampoo or conditioner.The truth is that you can only remove split ends by cutting off the split ends.

Picture 5 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
5. People have only 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.The truth is we have at least 21 senses, such as feeling of balance and temperature.

Picture 6 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
6. Easy to catch cold when the weather is really cold.The truth is that colds are caused by viruses, not by climate.

Picture 7 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
7. Your heart skips a beat when sneezing.The truth is that heart rate can sometimes change when you sneeze, but it never stops.

Picture 8 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
8. Alcoholic drinks / alcohol make you warm.The fact that alcohol dilates your outer blood vessels makes you feel warmer.

Picture 9 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
9. Sweat can remove toxins from your body.The truth is that sweat glands only cool your body.

Picture 10 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
10. Carrots can improve vision.The truth is that carrots help prevent muscle degradation but do not improve vision.

Picture 11 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
11. Healthy teeth must be perfect white.The truth is that the natural color of the teeth is slightly yellow.

Picture 12 of 12 false perceptions you still believe is true
12. Burns heal faster if you apply oil to it.The truth is that you should apply something cold to the burn, cooking oil creates a thin layer over the skin, causing the heat to remain inside.