Having a scald burn can happen at any time if you are careless. Although not life-threatening, it greatly affects aesthetics. This is the fastest way to handle burns without

There are truths you always believe to be true but not at all. Let's explore the 12 misperceptions below, you'll have to utter astonishment!

German scientists claim they have completed the first steps in the effort to turn spider silk into artificial skin.

Doctors at Concord Hospital in Sydney, Australia are studying ways to help patients burn by creating alternative skin layers in the lab.

Dutch and Swedish scientists have discovered stem cells of all types of skin cells.

French scientists have found a way to quickly create human skin from stem cells.

During Tet holidays, every family should have some common medicine and medical equipment available to keep their family members safe.

Many people in the habit of using alcohol to bake food. While convenient, this way also has the potential to cause burns to those sitting near.

Immediately immerse the burn in cool water, assess the depth of the burn to choose how to take care of your baby at home or take to the hospital ...

Burns are accidents that are easy to encounter with just a small mistake. There are many causes of burns such as burns caused by fire, heat, chemicals ... Depending on each cause