1.5 Gigapixel image to Andromeda galaxy with over 100 million stars

NASA recently published the largest and most comprehensive picture of the Andromeda galaxy, the closest spiral galaxy with approximately 1 trillion stars inside.

The photo has a 1.5 Gigapixel resolution (1 billion pixels). The picture was taken through the Hubble telescope with 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters sticking together. The image is large but only part of the Andromeda galaxy and you will spend 40,000 years to go from the beginning to the end of the image if moving at the speed of light.

Picture 1 of 1.5 Gigapixel image to Andromeda galaxy with over 100 million stars
Andromeda Galaxy.

There is no way to show this picture fully, so you should click on the following link to go to a zoomable interactive website and look at each star in the picture: Spacetelescope. org.

In addition, a YouTube user named Daveachuk also created a 4K resolution video from the photos he downloaded from the site. A total of 4.3GB images have been combined into a 3-minute video to give you an easier experience, without waiting for images to be loaded. Remember, every spot on the screen is a star, and the researchers found that almost every star has at least one planet orbiting it. Many of them also have its moons.