16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days

Having gone through the rainy days of the wind, people only loved the more sunny days.

People are very strange, when it is sunny, they just want to rain, when it rains, they only remember the sun. However, if I had to go through these wet days, it would be true, no one would be able to love the spring rain, except for the Chinese military rain.

Picture 1 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
1. Far away from the window were two men who had fallen over their heads because of the rain.

Picture 2 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
2. It's not raining, I'm not sure if she's careless huhu.

Picture 3 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
3. So, seeing that walking is also a very difficult sport.

Picture 4 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
4. Death from eating is death we always see repentance.

Picture 5 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
5. Knowing that the car is beautiful, but the bird is ready, please fly away because the singer has to go back.

Picture 6 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
6. If the price does not rain, we can rest assured.

Picture 7 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
7. The whole life of racing, but today has to fall.

Picture 8 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
8. Where is the Chinese Army come and take your rain away?

Picture 9 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
9. Baby is not drunk but because it rains, it is so slippery.

Picture 10 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
10. Participating in traffic these days is even harder than escaping FA

Picture 11 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
11. If the wind doesn't get me, let the rain do it.

Picture 12 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
12. The stormy and stormy scene had 500 wipers not to lose.

Picture 13 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
13. Rain and flood only see how much you like to make color.

Picture 14 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
14. Knowing I am not suffering enough, it has just rained and sent this gentleman.

Picture 15 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
15. Never stand under the porch when it has just rained, never ever.

Picture 16 of 16 scenes of affliction that we are suffering in rainy days
16. Don't be greasy with the weather, sister.