2007 fever

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A clear result of global climate change is that the arid regions are drier and stormy areas are more rainy.Anhui province in southwest China in 2006 suffered the most severe drought in the past half century

The El Nino phenomenon along with high-level greenhouse effect will turn 2007 into the hottest year ever.

The phenomenon of global warming seems to be too far-fetched, or too vague. We often see this kind of warning as a computer divination always wrong as the weather forecast. In the cold days of Tet, a few degrees C warmer is probably a good thing! But scientists think differently.

According to UK forecasters, in 2007 it is likely that the long-term average temperature of 140C (calculated from 1961 to 1990) will increase by 0.540 more. The current record hot year is 1998 with 0.520C higher than the above average temperature. This is the seventh consecutive year the Hadley Climate Change Research Center of the British Meteorological Department in Devon released their forecasts. Over the years, the prediction from the Hadley Center is famously extremely accurate with errors of only about 0.060C.

According to expert David Parker of the Hadley Center, a probability of up to 60% indicates that 2007 will be a hotter global year than in 1998. The new calculated figures add to the evidence of the earth phenomenon. getting hotter and getting worse.

Year of El Nino

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The phenomenon of global warming will greatly affect the life of marine life, especially of coral species on the ocean floor.

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The ice in the polar regions is melting.Large blocks of ice in Greenland are worn out gradually, a major concern for scientists

Parker said the record temperature of 2007 comes from the El Nino weather pattern that is moving above the hot gas that surrounds the Earth created by the greenhouse effect. El Nino is a cyclical phenomenon of Pacific waters off the northwestern coast of South America affecting global climate. Parker said: "The El Nino phenomenon will make the atmosphere hotter and hotter and the heat will be spread by the wind around the world."

Scientists believe that the greenhouse gases created - such as carbon dioxide generated by burning coal and oil - are making global temperatures hot every 0 years after a decade. 20 C. So when the El Nino phenomenon is combined with the greenhouse effect, the record heat phenomenon of 2007 is predictable. This happened for 1998 before.

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The famous Lake Dal Lake in Srinagar, India has reduced the water level by more than half in recent years due to global warming.Low-lying coastal settlements will also be at risk when sea levels rise and storm surges increase

Thomas Karl - director of the National Climate Data Center of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Asheville, North Carolina - also agrees with non-optimistic forecasts from Britain. According to Karl, every next cycle of El Nino phenomenon, the old record breaking year may appear again. But Karl also added: "A series of volcanic eruptions in recent times into the atmosphere of hot smoke clouds is also capable of disturbing the forecast data."

Sounds good! But the Earth has many alarming signs. From Alaska in the Arctic to the Andes snowy peaks in South America, the world is warming and rapidly heating. The coldest, most remote areas are the areas that exhibit this phenomenon best. The results are not positive. The ice disintegrated, the river dried up, the encroached beaches threatened many communities. The flora and fauna populations are also feeling the simmering heat rising. It is not a forecast in heaven; It is practical right below the ground.

Global fever

Earth's changes are largely out of our eyes. But do not see it as just transient phenomena of nature. "We have now become geological agents," said meteorologist George Philander of Princeton University (USA). "We ourselves have been able to influence climate determination processes."

In fact, people are covering their own planet with thick blankets tucked under smoldering fever. For centuries, we have deforested, burned coal, oil, gasoline, and discharged into carbon dioxide-filled air and other heat-accumulating gases at a faster rate than the absorption capacity of trees and oceans. Human activity is the main factor of global fever. The effects of nature like volcanoes cannot explain everything.

As the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase, global temperatures also increase. The report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Intergovernment Panel of Climate Change), chaired by the United Nations since 2001, predicts that global temperatures by the end of the 21st century will increase by 1.6 to 5, 5 degrees Celsius. According to Philander, continuing to " hook up " to the Earth's thermometer "is not a wise thing ".

Undeniably, the phenomenon of global warming. The real problem is: How many of our mistakes are in this planetary fever, and are we willing to hold back our greed for fossil-derived fuels? Only we can cool this Earth.

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Soon, Australia will lack water for agriculture. The last five years of drought has depleted many natural water sources Picture 6 of 2007 fever
Many creatures, most notably polar bears, are being harmed by rising temperatures

Tran Ngoc Dang