2012 is one of the 10 hottest years

The study of the two leading scientific agencies in the US shows that 2012 is among the hottest 10 years since 1880.

The US Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced it also analyzed temperature data from a network of weather monitoring stations across the planet. Analysis results show that the average temperature in 2012 was 0.57 degrees Celsius higher than the average level of the 20th century and reached the 10th highest level since 1880. In addition, all 12 years have passed. of the 21st century is among the hottest 14 years since 1880.

Picture 1 of 2012 is one of the 10 hottest years
A field of corn sclerosis due to drought in the US in June 2012. The temperature soared
causing many parts of the United States to suffer from a record drought.(Photo: supplychaindigital.com)

"Since 1976, the temperature of the years has exceeded the average of the previous period," said Thomas Karl, director of NOAA's National Climate Data Center.

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) also uses the same data source as NOAA but applies another analytical method. NASA scientists found that 2012 was the ninth hot year since 1880 and the average temperature last year was 0.6 degrees Celsius higher than the average in the 20th century.

Dr. James Hansen, an expert at NASA's Goddard Space Research Institute, said the temperature dropped to a record in the past few winters that many people thought the earth was cooling down, not warmer.

"Even in the period when the earth warms, the temperature in some seasons will still decrease compared to the average. We should understand that the number of unusually hot seasons is increasing. Those unusually hot seasons cause greater impact on people and other species on the planet, ' Hansen said.

NASA and NOAA all confirmed that temperatures in most parts of the world in the last year were higher than the average in the 21st century, and that the melting ice in the Arctic reached a new record.