3 strange theories about the Egyptian pyramid

History has recorded many strange theories about Egyptian pyramids such as the mysterious origins and energies within this magnificent architecture .

Strange theories about the Egyptian pyramid

1. The Egyptian pyramid was built to store grain

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One of the strange hypotheses about the Egyptian pyramid is that it was built to store grain and food.Medieval Europeans believed that the pyramid was a depiction of the Old Testament.

Accordingly, the Egyptian pharaohs had bad dreams, including 7 skinny cows eating 7 good fat cows . At that time, Joseph explained the meaning of that dream that Egypt would experience 7 the year of the season and then 7 years of famine. Therefore, he advised pharaohs to store surplus cereals for use in famine and fall crops . The strange hypothesis of this ancient Egyptian pyramid appeared in John Mandeville's " The Book " document.

2. Noah built the Great Pyramid

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In 1859, the English publisher named John Taylor published a book titled " The Great Pyramid: Why It Was Built and Who Built It". Although never seen firsthand the Giza pyramid, after studying the measurements of astronomer John Oxford Greaves and French engineers who went with Napoleon during Egypt's expedition, he Taylor concluded that pyramid architecture is the "divine system" of all mathematical truths.

Accordingly, Mr. Taylor believes that Noah is the architect who built the Great Pyramid and not the Egyptians. In legend, Noah is portrayed as a shipbuilder who passed through the cataclysm of the Bible.

3. Mysterious energy inside the pyramid

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A strange hypothesis was made that the special shape of the pyramid containing the regenerating power made Egyptian mummies preserved very well when buried inside.

In the early 20th century, French researcher Andre Bovis tested the theory of internal energy pyramids by building a miniature copy of the pyramid and placing raw meat inside to see how decomposition takes place.

Later, Czech Republic architect Karl Drbal conducted energy-related experiments inside the pyramid built from wood or paper. Accordingly, when placing a razor after being used inside the pyramid made of wood or paper, the energy inside this architecture will restore the sharpness of the razor blade. Therefore, in 1959, Drbal received a patent for energy-related experiments within the pyramid.