Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

If one had to choose the greatest, most mysterious human structure, the Pyramid would certainly be an extremely bright candidate.

Along with mummies, sphinxes, great pyramids of Egypt are favorite topics of films, adventure stories, horror stories . So far, there is no answer yet. The official, complete, accurate word for the mysteries of the Pyramid. It is no coincidence that in the 7 wonders of the world (ancient), Giza Pyramid stands at the highest position and is the last remaining wonder to this day.

Picture 1 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

What is pyramid?

Pyramids are a common term for pyramid architectures with a square base and four sides of an equilateral triangle . In the minds of most of us, the Pyramids are only in Egypt, but in fact this type of work is available all over the world and is the work of many different cultures. For each culture, the Pyramid has its own characteristics and uses.

With the ancient Egyptians, the Pyramid was a building built and used as a tomb for the king . This is also the most famous and mysterious pyramid in the ancient world. According to history books, the king immediately after the throne, the first thing they will do is start building the pyramid for themselves. In addition, some legends also suggest that the pyramid is the place where Egyptians protect their greatest secrets.

Picture 2 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

Next we have to mention the Mesopotamian pyramids that we often call Ziggurats . The Ziggurat is part of the most sacred temple of Mesopotamian worship.

The pyramids of American civilizations that are prominent Mayans used as a sacrifice (human) for gods are also remarkable works.

In addition, other ethnic groups like Nigeria, Greece, Spain, China, Roman, India and Indonesia also have their own Pyramids with unique characteristics. However, there are no other pyramids that can be compared in terms of greatness, mystery and the Egyptian works, so in this article, we will mention the tombs. Pharaon's.

Why does the Egyptian Pyramid contain so many mysteries?

If the pyramids of other human beings almost all have the correct answer on how the ancient people used it, especially with Egyptian pyramids, this is a controversial topic. Pyramids, no need for fictional stories because we have all the mysteries of the level of scientific and technical development of ancient Egyptians.

The first point that needs to be mentioned is the fact that the Pyramids were built from monolithic natural stone blocks , without using any associated materials the way we use cement in modern construction technology. The weighted blocks of stone sometimes reach tens of tons to be trimmed and joined together in a more imperfect way, this ensures solidity, perfection and longevity with time. These stones are interconnected completely based on their weight. In fact, Egypt's largest and most famous pyramid has survived 5,000 years. It must be known that these stones are not always taken right near the pyramid, but in some cases, they must be transported from places far away from the construction site for hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. At the same time, the way that Egyptians convert these tons of heavy rocks into precise locations to complete the pyramid is a mystery.

Picture 3 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

In addition, the pyramid also proved that the Egyptians knew the Pi number - a constant that Archimedes was later identified as the discoverer. The Pyramids always have a very standard size ratio based on Pi calculations. For example, Pyramid of Kheops, if we take twice the height divided by that area, we get Pi. This is considered the standard and most effective rate to build architectures like this. In addition, the Pyramids were so elaborate that even though they were assembled from large, separate blocks of stone, we could not even put a sharp blade between two stones. At Kheops pyramid, the height difference between opposite sides is less than 2cm - the most terrifying precision in the condition that Egyptians do not have accurate measuring machines.

Picture 4 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

Next is the way that Egyptians understand the thermal effect and some factors that so far, science has not been able to clarify. The space inside the pyramids is said to ensure perfect conditions for temperature, humidity . to help preserve the body of Pharaohs in a good and perfect way. Finally, the incredible understanding of astronomy, the constellations and the excellent orientations of Egypt. Only by observing the stars did they orient themselves almost exactly (errors below 3 degrees).

How it was built?

First, it must be said that the actual construction of a pyramid is also a mystery without a definite solution. All we mention here are just the assumptions that scientists think are most reasonable about how people build them.

First of all, the scientific points agreed on how to build the Pyramid. These great buildings are always activated by Pharaohs as soon as they are crowned and will take tens of years to complete a pyramid. During this time, a huge amount of workers will be mobilized by Egyptian kings to build their tombs. In general, the number of employees depends on many factors: food, weather, war . but is said to range from about 20,000 to 100,000 people working continuously. The number of these workers will be replaced regularly by pyramid construction is a miserable job and exhausting these slaves. According to the documents available, an average worker can only serve for 3 years at most.

Picture 5 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

The materials used in the Pyramids of Kheops are taken mainly from the quarry located not far from this Pyramid. However, the rock covering the pyramid must be taken from the Tura River to the pyramid. Each block weighs about 2.5 to 8 tons and is moved across the river, crossing hundreds of kilometers to get back to the construction site. This process is amazing because of the full use of human power. In addition, granite must be taken from Aswan, a location about 935km from the construction site. It is estimated that moving a block of stone takes about 2 months.

Of course, the Egyptians could not drag these tons of heavy stones all the way. In addition to being extremely laborious, these trimmed stones will be severely damaged. To solve it, they used wooden sliders, pulling with ropes to the construction site. Of course, even so, the effort spent moving a rock is also huge.

Rock up

This is the most controversial step in the process of building a Pyramid. Remember one important thing is that the Egyptians at that time had absolutely no modern machines to support. Even now, that is, about 4,000 years after the Giza pyramids were completed, lifting heavy blocks of stones up to tens of meters high is still a big challenge. So why, 4,000 years ago, humans, especially Egyptians did it?

Picture 6 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

The first assumption, the simplest hypothesis is: the ancient Egyptians used cranes and pulleys to lift these stones up. This assumption would be reasonable if the pyramid was built of bricks or smaller stones. As for the Pyramid, the placement of blocks of about 2.5 tons weighs quite a bit.

First of all, if we use a single pulley, we will have to provide a force equivalent to its gravity. One stone averages 2.5 tons and if each worker has a "hand force" equivalent to 100kg, we will need at least 25 people to pull a stone. Of course, this is an acceptable number. However, will those 25 have enough power to pull the stone continuously? In addition, the equivalent traction force will decrease several times if we use double pulley. Sounds reasonable. However, how can we make these pulleys capable of withstanding this enormous traction is a difficult problem to solve. Also, getting up high then how to put these stones in place? This assumption seems unreasonable.

Picture 7 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

The second hypothesis , more accepted by scientists, is also more plausible: the Egyptians built huge earth ramps to lift the stones high. These ramps were built around the Pyramid and after completion were demolished. These earthen slopes significantly reduce the force needed to lift the rock and also allow more people to pull up more easily.

Specifically, the Egyptians will build a long slope with a low slope from the ground to the unfinished construction of the Pyramid. Then, when building up the higher parts, people will extend the slope to ensure the slope is appropriate for the construction process. To pull the stones from the slopes up, people use round logs to reduce friction. Workers with varying numbers depend on the size of the slab that will be mobilized in turn.

Picture 8 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

The higher the height, the longer the length of the slope will be and the harder it will be for the workers to work. However, luckily for them, the number of stones on high will be less and less. According to calculations, up to 96% of materials are used in the lower 2/3 of the tower.

Of course, it is not only one slope that is used because if so, building a Pyramid will take hundreds of years. In addition to the 2 or 3 main ramps that are used continuously, they also build smaller and smaller ramps to bring as much rock as possible to the parts of the pyramid.

Build and complete

Picture 9 of Pyramid: The most mysterious architecture of mankind

After putting the stone up high, the workers will put these stones in place. The stones are linked together based entirely on their gravity, the Egyptians do not have to use any kind of bonding material. Depending on the pyramid, the order of placing stones, they will create different internal structures. In general, the architecture inside the pyramids always points to a common point of creating virtual corridors for the king's soul to reach the stars .

After finishing placing the stones to form the Pyramid, the Egyptians will proceed to refine the outer and inner sides of the Pyramid until completed. Fine work is done from top to bottom. They will remove the protruding parts of the Pyramid, the slopes are removed, the inside of the pyramid will be engraved .

The pyramid and the process of accomplishing it are still the pride of the Egyptian people. The greatness and wonder of the Pyramid clearly shows the level and creativity of the Egyptian people. So far, the mysteries in the process of building it are still a great question of humanity.