3D technology helps locate pain

A 3D program that helps patients describe the pain that always tortures them most accurately and intuitively is being developed by Brunel University (UK).

Picture 1 of 3D technology helps locate pain

Using 3D images is definitely more convenient than verbal description (Artwork: yahoo.net)

The program aims to get information from people who use wheelchairs to see how they feel when doing homework.

Until now, when visiting a doctor, patients still have to explain how their pain and intensity are through speech. This reduces the accuracy in showing pain and can lead to diagnostic errors.

Just a simple PDA, users can download the software wherever there is an Internet connection. The device including this software has been tested at members of Hillingdon Independent Wheelchair Users Group within 2 years.

Patients can use a regular PDA, which costs around $ 300 to indicate the area they feel pain on a 3D body, allowing users to zoom in on each area as well as rotate images in different angles. . In addition, they can categorize pain in each area into forms such as intense pain (burning), aches (aching), stabbing, numbness . with different colors. .

These data will be stored on PDAs and with continuous updates at the patient's home, doctors will quickly get a look at the changes in the client's condition.

Currently, researchers hope to attract investment to be able to widely use this product in hospitals.