6 facts about little-known acupuncture

Acupuncture has many effects: lower back pain, neck pain, postoperative pain. It also helps to improve digestive problems, abnormal menstruation, allergies, insomnia .

According to Magforwomen, acupuncture is one of the therapies for traditional Oriental medicine. Oriental medicine's principle of healing is to find ways to balance energy in the human body, while modern medicine tries to balance the chemicals in the body. Although the acupuncture method was born centuries ago, not everyone knows it well.

1. The needle does not hurt as we think

Acupuncture is associated with images of needles that stab into people, causing pain and grimace. In fact, acupuncture needles are unlike any needle used for injection or sewing needles, which are much thinner and more flexible. Some types of acupuncture needles are thin like hair.

When acupuncture needles are pierced into the skin, you only feel a sharp pain, not like a persistent pain when a needle is stabbed. However, if you are obsessed or afraid of needles, you should tell the acupuncturist before doing so.

Picture 1 of 6 facts about little-known acupuncture
Photo: Magforwomen

2. Acupuncture is not just for pain relief

Acupuncture has many benefits to relieve back pain, neck pain, postoperative pain and many other pain. It also helps reduce digestive problems, abnormal menstruation, allergies, insomnia and many other symptoms. It is important to see a well-trained acupuncturist to overcome these problems thoroughly and safely.

3. Acupuncture also has the same dose as taking medicine

Most of your health problems cannot disappear if only acupuncture a few times already. Just like having to take a full dose of medication to treat the disease, you also need to make the required number of acupuncture to identify the change. However, if you don't see improvement after 10 times of acupuncture, you should look to another physician.

4. Acupuncture is not superstition

Talking about acupuncture people often think of superstition. But in fact this method of healing is not related to religion or spiritual beliefs at all. This is a part of medicine, the purpose of this method is to find ways to balance energy in the human body naturally.

5. There are no common side effects

Acupuncture has no side effects like when Western medicine is treated. Side effects of acupuncture are often good for the body because it helps you relax, sleep better, reduce stress and improve digestion. Body energy usually increases after treatment.