Long life thanks to saving acupuncture points

Saving acupuncture points is a way to use heat to affect acupuncture points. Saving some acupuncture points helps regulate yin and yang blood, empowerment, prevention of diseases, anti-aging and longevity.

Picture 1 of Long life thanks to saving acupuncture points

Spiritual rescue for three reasons (Photo: Health & Life).

Oriental medicine often uses dried wormwood leaves to make wormwood and then wormwood or wormwood to save: Take wormwood leaves to dry in the shade and crush or crush to remove stems and veins, the product is colored light yellow, soft, smooth like velvet, so called wormwood. Then use thin paper (tissue paper or cigarette paper) to cut into 20 cm long, 4 cm wide pieces, sprinkle up the wormwood, roll it into a round cigarette like a big cigarette, called a wormwood; or use 3 fingers to pinch a little wormwood on the enamel tray, squeeze into a cone shape, bigger than a bean to a larger grain of corn, called a worm. At present, people often use cigarettes more than wormwood, they can buy prepared wormwood at the traditional medicine stores.

There are 3 ways to save cigarettes: One is burning incense and then smoking on acupuncture points, about 2 cm away from the skin, when it is hot, leave it far away, to the extent that it feels warm and pleasant, keep that distance until you see pink skin is okay, save about 10-15 minutes. The second is to put the wormwood around enough to feel warm and then slowly move the wormwood in a circle, from narrow to wide, when it feels hot, it is okay to save, save 20-30 minutes. Third, bring the head of the worm near the skin for a burning sensation and pull away again, doing so many times as a sparrow pecks rice, usually rescues for 2-5 minutes.

Saving acupuncture points helps longevity

Great acupuncture points: There are uses for sympathy, mindfulness, mental, brain balancing, fatigue elimination, physical enhancement and body strengthening. Modern research has shown that, especially for the development of a large chord, it has the effect of increasing the number of leukocytes, enhancing cellular immunity capacity, improving brain circulation, preventing colds and coronary diseases. steamed. Determination of acupoints: Bend your head and turn left and right, using your hand to determine the highest round bone tumor that moves under the finger much, which is the prickle of the seventh neck vertebrae, acupuncture points at the base of the barbed tip this.

Middle-vented grave: Used to regulate colon taste, gas supplement, stagnant digestion. Modern research shows that saving the acupuncture points helps improve the function of the spleen, increase the motility of the stomach and intestines, promote the digestion of food and absorb nutrients, regulate digestive fluids, improve immune cell immunity and prevention of diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and pancreas. The grave is located at the middle of the road connecting the meeting place of the ribs and the umbilical cord, above the navel 4.

Visceral grave: A grave where gas is required for life, has the effect of compensation, gas supplement, positive feedback. Modern research shows that acupuncture points to help improve hemodynamics, stabilize the heart muscle, enhance coronary circulation flow, improve the body's ability to endure in the absence of oxygen, improve and immune regulation. The acupuncture point is located on 3/5 above and 2/5 below of the mid-point connecting point on the pubic bone and umbilical cord.

Vented mental defect: Can be used to modulate natural gas, spleen and yang. Modern research shows that saving mental acupuncture points helps regulate and improve the body's immune capacity, protect the mucosa and improve the absorption capacity of the digestive tract. Myths are often saved from salt, ginger or medicinal powder.

In the tradition of circulating a very unique method of saving gods, it has a very good longevity effect: taking the five spiritual chi 24 g, matchstick 15 g, frankincense 3 g, a medicine 3 g, stomach 6 g (past stars), 9 g pine, 6 g head canister, some musk, all brought into a fine powder. When saving, take a few tablespoons of flour mixed with water and squeeze the round rim upright to the navel, take 6 g of powder to pour into and use a piece of bark that burns by a incense stick, how old is So much fire, saved once a month, saved at the time of the Horse is the best.

Acupunture tam ly: Using the treatment of spleen, regulating blood, the rescue of this acupuncture point can prevent gastrointestinal diseases, healthy, long life. Modern research shows that salvation has a pronounced anti-aging effect through a series of improvements in circulatory, respiratory, neurological, urinary, endocrine, immunological, and motor targets. elderly. Determination of acupoints: Touching the front of the shin bone (pleural crest) from below the ankles upwards, approaching the knee joint, where the finger is stuck, it is a protrusion of the front of the tibia, from here measuring out a little. The finger is the location of the acupuncture point, when it feels like numbness spreads to the foot.

Three-tone acupuncture points: There are instruments for monks and nuns, kidneys are increased, the active communication, the master of sexual function. Modern research shows that saving this acupuncture point is particularly effective in preventing diseases of the genitourinary system, and is also effective for neurological, cardiovascular and digestive diseases. Vented at the recess near the back bank inside the tibia.