Crossing your fingers helps you forget pain

Scientists at the University of London (UK) have demonstrated that crossing two fingers can prevent the brain from experiencing painful feelings.

New way to relieve pain

A recent study by scientists at the University of London has shown that crossing two fingers will make the brain "confused" , which will hinder the process of producing feelings like hot, cold, and even painful feelings.

Professor Patrick Haggard, the lead author of this study, said that the results of this study have helped to improve the ability to actively control the feeling of human pain.

Picture 1 of Crossing your fingers helps you forget pain

When studying this phenomenon, scientists used a very strange experimental method. Instead of letting the subjects experience pain as usual, a form called "heat-baked illusion" was applied . In this form, the subjects will be using heat patches to heat the pinky finger and ring finger, while the middle finger will be cooled.

Picture 2 of Crossing your fingers helps you forget pain

At this moment, the cold feeling in the middle finger will be prevented by the feeling of hotness from the other two fingers, producing a tactile inhibition. This creates an extremely uncomfortable , diffuse burn throughout the hands of the subject. Soon after, the subjects were asked to cross their fingers to alleviate the pain. And this method is really effective.

Picture 3 of Crossing your fingers helps you forget pain

Based on the results of the experiment, the scientists found that the pain sensation disappears when the subjects cross the index finger with the middle finger, or the middle finger with the ring finger. Scientists have since come to the conclusion that the brain will "observe" and "give" the feeling of pain to a finger depending on its position in space and not the position of the table. hand.

Picture 4 of Crossing your fingers helps you forget pain

Scientists believe that the method could be used to develop chronic pain or recovery after a long-term injury.

Note, in many Western countries such as England and France, crossing the front fingers is considered a good luck expression. However, if secretly crossed his fingers behind his back, it is a symbol of a liar. Even in some countries, cross-arms are an act of pornography. So, you need to consider and explore the culture of the place you live before experimenting with this exciting pain relief method.