4 new breakthroughs in medicine help save millions of lives in the world

Over time, people have come up with groundbreaking ideas, which are extremely important for human survival.

In the history of mankind, there have been inventions that have played a role of "saving" the world. For example, Alexander Fleming's penicillin - antibiotics saved millions of people from "death sentence" named an infection. Or as Frederick Banting's insuline hormone - the diabetic variable from a disease that causes "gradual death" becomes too trivial.

This person is still the same, still constantly exploring, learning and conducting researches to serve humanity. And in the video below, there will be 4 inventions that have the potential to create a great revolution for world medicine, and have the ability to overthrow penicillin's "salvation" position .

If still not satisfied, read the article below to see clearly the "magic" of these inventions.

1. XSTAT 30 - the rescue shot of millions of soldiers

During the war, the risk of catching bullets was always hanging above soldiers. And the fact is different from movies, the result of being hit by a bullet is not easy.

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XSTAT 30 is considered a breakthrough invention of medicine.

Bullets that come out of the barrel will have a very high spin, causing the hole in the body to expand and shrink quickly after the energy from the bullet passed. This extremely fast stretching process will have a very terrible effect: not only the surrounding tissue but also the nerve is damaged, the blood vessels are torn, and the muscle crumbles.

Bullet wounds usually bleed very much, especially when the artery is damaged. And the inability to stop bleeding when injured is the cause of up to 90% of US deaths.

However, it was all changed by an invention of RevMedx - the US medical equipment supplier - XSTAT 30.

XSTAT 30 is considered a breakthrough invention of medicine. It is actually a giant cylinder, the inside contains 92 tiny sponges, designed to stop the special wounds that normal bandages cannot handle - it is a bullet wound.

When exposed to the solution, these particles will expand quickly. If it is injected into the wound, blood will be held in less than 20 seconds.

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Operation mechanism of XSTAT 30.

These sponges are made of pulp, derived from cellulose and not dissolved into the human body. In addition, each seed is covered with a homeostatic layer (homeostatic) - which works to accelerate blood clotting. At the same time, the particles will be marked with anti-irradiation to be able to detect easily when X-ray if not stuck quickly in the body.

It is estimated that each injection absorbs about 0.57l of blood, which is effective for 4 hours. This certainly has tremendous significance, because at times the decision is made only a few minutes earlier.

2. Vein scanner (ein viewer) - not afraid of mistaken injection

Getting vaccinated, most afraid of having a nurse looking for a vein (vein) is not good. That's right, injecting standard into the vein is less painful, but deviating a few millimeters is painful with the blue sky. Unfortunately, a nurse injects a defect from the vein, which is injected again, which means another pain. Many people with fear of injection also come from here.

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VeinViewer vein scanning system will help nurses find vein for easier injection.

But this nightmare is about to end, with VeinViewer vein scanner system manufactured by Christie Medicine Company (USA).

By projecting near-infrared rays on the skin, the surrounding tissues reflect light, while the blood in the blood absorbs them. The whole process will be recaptured.

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With this VeinViewer, you will be injected without ever being afraid to mistake again.

After receiving the information VeinViewer will recreate the vein map under the skin and project it directly to the area to be injected. In other words, you will be injected without ever being afraid to mistake again.

3. VetiGel - super-fast liquid hemostatic bandage

In July 2015, Joe Landolina, a 17-year-old high school student, was startled by the American Medicine when he invented Vetigel - a hemostatic gel in seconds.

VetiGel is made 100% from seaweed and seaweed, with a structure consisting of many micro-polimer elements . These molecules will reach the damaged tissue and then bind together, forming a network like LEGO puzzle pieces.

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VetiGel is made 100% from seaweed and seaweed, with a structure consisting of many micro-polimer elements.

On the one hand, the gel forms a layer of glue, adheres to the wound, helping to stop bleeding in seconds. On the other hand, the mesh acts as a foundation to help the body produce blood on the surface of the wound.

Blood will work to speed up the healing process. And after use, this gel can be removed safely.

4. Cholesterol dredge machine - the culprit causing heart disease

According to statistics, millions of people die each year from stroke, and one of the leading causes of stroke is high blood cholesterol.

Cholesterol (or blood fat) is a wax-like sticky fat made from the liver to serve many important functions in the body. But when this substance is too redundant, it will cling to the artery wall, obstructing blood circulation. As a result, people with high cholesterol are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even an increased risk of stroke.

Solving high blood cholesterol has many ways: either to review diet, exercise, or to use medicine. But more specifically, American scientists have come up with a very bold idea: a "dredge" cholesterol right inside the blood vessels.

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The machine "drifts" cholesterol right inside the blood vessels.

Specifically, this micro-machine will stick straight to the artery wall. Here, the body acts as a drill, dredging every strand of fat and blood stuck. After finishing the mission, the machine will be removed, the blood circulates normally.

Inside the machine is mounted camera with high resolution, helping physicians to monitor the entire surgical process.