4 ultra-small implants make you superheroes

See how the following people 'hacked' their bodies with only a few implanted small devices.

You can become a superman by transplanting tiny devices

In the past, you may have met countless people who press tips on the lips, tattoo or do something that affects the body excessively. However, in the age of science and technology, people can do more than that. See how the following people 'hacked ' their bodies with only a few implanted small devices.

NFC chips

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The X-ray shows the location of the NFC chip

Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is very popular on mobile devices. However, can you imagine your own body can also integrate an NFC chip?

In fact, NFC chips are always the first choice for those who prefer to hack their bodies through implants. The reason is because it is a very simple way, but it has great effect when they can interact with the devices connected around.

The most common use of an NFC chip implanted in your hand is that you can open your door or car door with just a light touch. When synced, NFC chips can open any personal device such as a computer, phone.

You won't need swipe cards or keys for doors and don't need passwords for phones or computers. Even better, with an NFC chip implanted under your hand, unlocking the door will make others gasp.

Bio magnet

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Simple magic tricks with a magnet implanted under the skin

The bio magnet is essentially a magnet designed to be absolutely safe when implanted into the body . Many people choose to implant some biological magnets under their fingertips. This allowed them to sense the magnetic field when placing their hands near the surrounding devices, like a sixth sense. The implant of a magnet for the fingertips also helps them to hold small metal objects such as screws and needles more easily. Or their intention is simply to occasionally perform some magic tricks.

Secret headphones

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Stitching when implanting a magnet into the ear

Transplanting a magnet into your ear can make you sound like a spy. Magnets will interact with an amplifier and a special necklace. When you plug the amplifier into the music source, it sends a signal to the necklace. Essentially the ring is a coil, when the magnetic change signal it produces changes and impacts the magnet in the ear to produce sound. At that time, only you can hear the music without needing to wear a headset.


The inventors also invented a subcutaneous silicon device that allows you to orientate like a compass. The device includes 5 LEDs and a magnet. It will help you orient the north based on the signal lights when interacting with magnetic fields.