5 misconceptions that make you forever unable to be happy

Happiness is only for foolish people, lying for selfishness . are things that you should not believe to be happy.

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Life is always full of paradoxes, but do you know, most of these "contrary" thoughts are made from inside the brain.

Does our brain "fall ill" and put faith in the wrong place? Decoding these secret beliefs will make your life happier and happier.

Not everyone feels happy. But have you ever asked, why is that so? Many psychological studies show, the reason is because they have false beliefs in life. Deciphering these false beliefs will make them happier.

Myth 1: Happiness is only for stupid people

Many people think that happiness comes only to goofy people - waving and laughing at strangers, dancing in the rain or always optimistic about life.

Picture 1 of 5 misconceptions that make you forever unable to be happy

Geniuses are always anxious, thinking about reality more so many people think they rarely feel happiness.

Worry is also a good thing sometimes, but worrying too much is absolutely not recommended. Comprehensive growth means being able to be aware of yourself - that is, you know who you are and how influential you are to those around you.

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Psychologists think that you can live in two ways: revising yourself (adjusting your thoughts, feelings and actions to improve the situation) or self-aggravating yourself (always looking at negative things) ).

The first way will probably help you be healthier, happier and also popular with more people. Meanwhile the following way will upset you and dislike those happy people because they are not in the same mood as you.

But no one can live completely in either way. Because almost no one can control their own anger without using any "support medicine" .

Myth 2: Optimism is self-deception

Perhaps there are still many people still confused about optimism. It is not that you ignore the reality but the way you accept it and know that you will pass it if you still work hard. Many people call it 'Stockdale paradox' , named after a war prisoner in the anti-American era.

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Many people always tell themselves when in prison "Rest assured, we will be released on Christmas" . But when Christmas comes, they continue to say, we will be released at Easter, then Thanksgiving or Christmas next year . Finally, they die slowly because of collapse.

However, with Stockdale, he accepted that he was no different in hell but always kept his faith there was a way to help him survive, escape from this place.

As a first step, he developed a cryptographic system to help prisoners talk to each other, finding ways to encourage each other after being tortured.

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Stockdale also wrote home with full code, even though he didn't know if his family could understand it. In other words, those optimistic thoughts turn into action, not just in the head.

Although not everyone believes his work will have results. But it was the faith and effort he created that worked. Instead of forever wishing to reach the promised land, he died on the way there. That is always the effort to achieve what you want.

Myth 3: Small troublesome things are sometimes more annoying than big disasters

The Internet is a place that can always create a wave of public opinion called 'online community' from anything. Violent violence sometimes leaves only a few status lines but only a small error in a newly released game also entails a hurricane.

Not only is the Internet full of 'keyboard heroes' but it is simply the way your brain responds to frustration.

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Imagine what would make you more sad: your favorite cafe that closes or breaks your fingers while trying to grind your own coffee? Many people think that, certainly, the second thing will hurt you. But the reality is not so.

At that time you will tend to comfort yourself that there are still 9 good fingers left than bandaging the wound. The reason because the brain has a system to help you deal with pain but they only work in critical situations.

Because this process requires a lot of concentration and energy of the brain, this is like the doctor will prescribe a dose of medicine to relieve the pain of a broken finger, but it will not be so if it is just a cut often.

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For most people the following bullshit often annoys you all week. As if someone paid a counterfeit friend, a friend forgot to thank you for the gift they were given, or the sound of an annoying car engine even though you brought it to the store many times.We never bother much about those things because we know they are 'not worth'.

Instead, we will complain to anyone who can listen and every time we mention it, we get annoyed. Sometimes you will have that unpleasant feeling for years from the 'not worth' stories.

Myth 4: Lying is not selfish

In fact, everyone wants to show that they are not selfish but this means that you want to hide your true interests after other people's opinions.

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Everyone is afraid to give their opinions and wait for others. You see this all the time from big business to group exercise or romantic romance. It's like being asked 'What movie do you like to watch?' And the answer would be, 'You choose, any movie will be fine. I just need you to be happy. "

Of course, frankly pointing out your desire does not make you a selfish person but rather the way you react when you don't achieve it.

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Always hide what you want to show that you are the one who sacrifices because other people (even they don't even recognize) are one of the most misleading behaviors.

Myth 5: Rejecting help is good

We are taught to deal with ourselves, by the only person you can trust completely yourself. That's why every superhero works independently.

Batman does not need anyone - the world needs him. It was the loss of his parents and having to find his own path that was why he became Batman.

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But we always need friends, don't be afraid to ask them for help. It is because you do not want to become a burden of others but from the beginning you did not ask them. But you alone can't solve it and then the burden becomes much bigger, then the burden on your friends' shoulders is even bigger.

Too dependent on other people emotionally and financially . are not good but always refuse to help from friends even worse.

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For example, if a soldier is injured but refuses to receive an emergency, then the wound is bleeding and he must give up the battle.

Think about it, he was really brave because he was not afraid of blood flow, or just a coward because he was afraid of being weak in front of other men. Knowing the right answer will help a lot for your life later.

Reference: Cracked, Wikipedia