5 most regretful thing of dying people

Regret being too engrossed with work but forget about your own happiness; too cowardly to live as much as I want; for not keeping in touch with friends . is something that people who are about to die tell their nurse, Bronnie Ware.

Many years of care and closeness to the terminally ill patients, nurse Bronnie Ware (Australian) heard them talk about anxieties or regret that she could not do it when she was healthy. For example, men often regret it because they are so absorbed in work and forget their children 's childhood, losing their spouses' happiness; while others regret not being honest with themselves but listening to the direction from others .

Picture 1 of 5 most regretful thing of dying people
Female nurse Bronnie Ware, author of the book "Five Things
the most regretful of the dying person ". (Photo: DM)

All memories from Bronnie's conversations included in the recently published book "The top five regrets of the dying" (roughly translated as "the five most regretful things of a dying person" ). In it, the nurse expressed very carefully about the things that people must face when they are in the end of life. Thereby each of us can learn and learn from it.

Here are the 5 most common regrets, most people say they want to change it if they are selected again:

1. "If only I had the courage to live a life that was true to me, but not the life everyone wanted for me".

Explaining this, the author writes: "This is the most regretful thing of all people. When people realize that their life is about to end and look back clearly everything is over. It's easy to receive even half of those dreams have not been realized until they have to close their eyes, even though they themselves have chosen. Health brings freedom but only few people realize it until it lost".

2. "I wish I hadn't worked so hard":

"This is something that has been revealed from the male patients I have taken care of. They missed their children 's youth as well as their relationship. Although the female patients also talked about this but most they belong to the old generation, the time when women were not the breadwinner, while all the male patients I took care of expressed deep regret for being swept into the spiral of work to living ".

3. "I wish I had the courage to express my feelings":

"Many people are repressing their emotions just because they want to" be a gentleman "with people, as a result, they have to live a normal life and not become the person they really want. but inhibited, resentful leading to illness ".

4. "If only I wish to keep in touch with my friends":

According to Bronnie, it is not uncommon for people to realize the importance and true value of old friends until a few weeks before they die, but they cannot find it again."Many people have been so engrossed in their own lives but forget about the connection with friends. There are also many people who deeply regret for not spending more time and worthwhile efforts for friends. They all remember their friends when they were about to die, ' the author wrote.

5. "I wish I had let myself be happier":

"This is a common regret. It's amazing how many people didn't realize that ultimately happiness is a choice. They are stuck in old patterns and habits, it gives them The feeling of "comfort" is artificial. Fear has to change itself so that they have to pretend to be with others as well as themselves. "

"So what about you, what you regret most so far? What will you try to achieve or change before you leave the world?" , that question continues to pose for each of us.