5 signs of your lack of calcium

When calcium is deficient, the body will immediately signal to you to recognize it as muscle aches, cramps. Therefore, you should note the following points:

1. Muscle aches and cramps

If the muscles in the legs begin to ache and you experience frequent cramps, especially at night, that could be an early sign of calcium deficiency. You can take a glass of warm milk daily or take calcium supplements as directed by your doctor to get rid of these symptoms soon.

Picture 1 of 5 signs of your lack of calcium
Photo: magforwomen

2. Yellow teeth, nails and hair are easy to break and fall

If your nails are brittle and your hair becomes dry, even though you have tried some treatments, start worrying about the calcium deficiency in your body. Lack of calcium causes brittle teeth and stains. Implement a calcium-rich diet until the situation improves.

3. Increasing premenopausal symptoms

Calcium deficiency affects women more than men. When a woman suffers from calcium deficiency, there will be many changes in her pre- and postmenopausal symptoms. She will have more abdominal pain and muscle aches than usual. A calcium-rich diet will help solve this problem.

4. Crunchy bones

If even a slight fall causes you to have a bone fracture, chances are you're suffering from a calcium deficiency. Lack of calcium leads to very weak bones. Instead of trying to treat a fracture, supplement your body with calcium. Osteoporosis is always a fear for postmenopausal women and the elderly. Therefore, a diet rich in calcium will be very effective for people of this age.

5. Kidney stones

Calcium deficiency can also lead to the formation of kidney stones in the body. Be prevented by eating enough calcium.