5 things will happen if you

Find out what happens to the body when you don't continue to "be friends" with this food.

Today, eating fat is on the list of one of the things that people "boycott" the most. Because besides the fear of owning the barrel waist, eating fat also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases for humans.

But is it really good for you to say 'no' to this food? And this will be the risk you face when removing "fat" in everyday food.

1. "Blurred vision with slow legs"

Do you think fat is just a "nasty guy" in the abdomen? But no, fat also has a close relationship with many other organs in the body.

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One of the functions of fat, which is a catalyst that helps dissolve minerals . If there is no or insufficient amount of fat loaded into the body after each meal, the body is at risk of having problems absorbing vitamin A.

If you do not get enough vitamin A, you will face dry eyes, vision loss or night blindness. More dangerous, corneal degeneration, even blindness, threatens your body.

2. Bones become "stunted"

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Not eating fat also reduces your ability to absorb vitamin D, making your body more susceptible to diseases such as rickets, soft bones or bone mineralization, causing severe bone damage.

3. Physiological disorders

The ability to absorb vitamin E also reduces, affecting muscle growth, causing many disorders.

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In particular, as warned by experts from the University of Colombia (USA), the body does not get enough fat will affect the role of hormones, namely estrogen in women and testosterone in men. .

In particular, women who eat too little fat will interrupt the estrogen production process, which directly affects the menstrual cycle and seriously weakens bone health.

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Similarly, inadequate fat and fat supplementation will disturb the ability of male testosterone to produce hormones. This not only reduces the possibility of "pillow" , but even their muscles will be severely affected.

4. Heart attack

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If you boycott fat, you wo n't be able to absorb vitamin K - vitamins that regulate blood vessels . The lack of this vitamin causes the body to reduce the function of vascular endothelial cells, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, embolism, myocardial infarction or angina.

5. Body weakness

In fat contains essential fatty acids, plays a role in helping the body stay healthy and maintain stability. These body acids cannot be synthesized and produced by themselves but are supplemented through the diet.

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The new results published in 2009 by Harvard University's Public Health Research Institute show that if you don't eat fat, your body will fall into a serious shortage of omega 3 fatty acids, including include alpha-linolenic acid group. This is one of the leading causes of physical depression leading to death.

How to add fat to ensure good health but still confident enough when stepping on the table?

To provide enough energy for an effective day of study and work, the human body needs at least 2,000 calories a day, of which calories are supplied from fat and fat, making up only about 20 to 35%.

According to experts from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the average of 1 grams of fat provides 9 calories, so to get enough 2,000 calories for the body to eat at least 44 - 78 grams of fat.

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When choosing fatty foods, you should prioritize products such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and avocados, fish meat and walnuts.

In particular, you should limit saturated fats in meat, cheese, butter and transfat foods such as margarine and fried foods.

These fats do not benefit the body but only cause us to age quickly and are prone to heart disease.