7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

The hands are both our strengths and weaknesses, as evidenced by the fact that your hands are often naughty, touching places that should not be touched, such as the following 7 positions.

1. Spit silver hair

Picture 1 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

There have been rumors that spitting 1 silver hair will have 10 luxuriant fibers sprouting. This is wrong. However, when a hair is silvered, it is because the hair follicle produces less melanin, the pigment that creates the hair color. Spitting silver hair does not make the surrounding hair grow more dense to "revenge", but it will hurt hair follicles. And when the position grows back, this time of course will still be a silver hair, so you continue to spit. This will lead to infection or scarring on the scalp. Instead of spitting, you can cut the hair close to your scalp, or dye each hair.

2. Don't spit skin around your nails

Picture 2 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

If your eyes are itchy and you pull the thin skin around your fingernails, you will certainly feel the blue sky. It is best not to bite, chew or shake it because bacteria can get into the wound, causing your nails to swell, causing pain for a few days. Instead, use nail clippers to trim this skin, then apply anti-inflammatory cream.

3. Don't scratch the mosquito bite

Picture 3 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

When the mosquito bites you, it will leave saliva on the skin. The protein in saliva activates the body's mild immune response, which causes your skin to develop a lump of itching. However, do not scratch. The first scratches can make you very excited, but the bite will be more serious. Scratching can make the immune system overactive, making the wound swollen, itchy and long-lasting. You can apply vaseline or body lotion containing calamine or a hydrocortisone cream. Applying an ice cube also helps to relieve itching pain.

4. Don't rub your eyes

Picture 4 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

When your eyes are tired and want to fall down, you often rub your eyes with your hands. But the skin around the eyes is very thin (about 0.05mm), so rubbing will scratch the blood vessels, making the eyes darker. Moreover, your hands are so dirty that they spread germs and bacteria into your eyes, which can easily cause eye infections (such as pinkeye). You may also have a cold or flu.

5. Don't scratch the nail polish

Picture 5 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

When you see the nail polish peeling off, you will definitely want to scratch off the remaining paint. This inadvertently peels off the surface of the nail, making nails weak, thin, and brittle. The best way is to use nail polish remover, which does not contain acetone.

6. Don't squeeze the area where the skin is bulging

Picture 6 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

This will make the skin ragged, increasing the risk of infection. In extreme cases, if you get puffed up in your legs that makes moving difficult, then do the following:

  1. Wash hands and blisters with soap and water.
  2. Dry the puff with an alcohol swab.
  3. Using a sterile needle, stab multiple places on the edge of the puff.
  4. Wait for the blister to collapse and dry, but leave the top layer of skin still.
  5. Apply ointment and bandage again.

7. Don't peel off the flaky skin

Picture 7 of 7 parts of your body should never scratch, spit, scratch

If you are exfoliating and the wound is healing, forming a flake layer, this is the protective layer for germs from invading and damaging the skin regeneration process below. Do not itch your hands off this scale, because your skin will peel off again and it takes more time to heal, even to leave scars. Therefore, it is best to leave the scales to fulfill its task and self-extract.