8 first signs of cervical cancer

If you have cervical cancer, you may have unusual signs such as pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding .

>> Detection and prevention of cervical cancer

The most frightening thing is that cervical cancer may have no obvious symptoms at an early stage . According to the American Cancer Society, there are an estimated 12,340 cervical cancer cases in the United States each year. Sadly, about 4,000 women die because of this disease because they cannot detect early symptoms and treat them in time.

Women of all ages are at risk for cervical cancer once they start having sex . And human papilloma (HPV) is the most common cause of malignant cancer cells beginning to grow in the cervical tissues. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in the world that women often encounter. Although the disease can be fatal to women, it is also preventable and treatable if detected early and timely.

Pap smear testing is the best way to determine if you are at risk for this cancer. In addition, if you see the following symptoms, you need to pay close attention as it may be an early warning sign of cervical cancer.

1. Back pain

The pelvic or back pain, especially in the lower back area, can also be a warning sign for cervical cancer. You must be more alert if you see the pain spread to your feet and even cause swelling (swelling) in your legs.

Picture 1 of 8 first signs of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer often causes back pain, abdominal pain under .

2. Pelvic pain

Many women suffer from cramps during their monthly menstrual cycle. However, women should pay great attention if there is pain in the pelvic area or cramps on the days of no menstruation . Because that may be symptoms of cervical cancer.

3. Unusual bleeding

One of the most common warning signs of cervical cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding (vaginal bleeding in non-menstrual periods). However, the level of bleeding may vary for each woman, some people have heavy bleeding but there are also few bleeding. The common point is that all are not clear why the bleeding. If you also have such abnormal vaginal bleeding , be alert and see a doctor to find out if it is caused by cervical cancer.

4. Abnormalities in urination

Any changes in urination habits, such as urine leakage when sneezing or vigorous exercise, blood in the urine, pain during urination . can all be signs of neck cancer. uterus. In this case, if true due to cervical cancer, the cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body.

5. Abnormal vaginal discharge

Vaginal fluid, if clear or whitish, has no odor and usually occurs during menstrual periods. In case of abnormal vaginal discharge, strange color (yellow, green as pus or blood mixed), with an unpleasant smell . it may be a sign of cervical cancer.

However, other "private" cancers such as ovarian cancer, ovarian inflammation . can also cause abnormal signs in the vaginal fluid. Therefore, women have to go to a gynecological examination to determine the most accurate cause.

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When the cervix is ​​stimulated by cervical cancer, it will affect the development and ovulation.

6. Unusual menstrual cycle

When the cervix is ​​stimulated by cervical cancer, it will affect the development and ovulation. Hormone balance is also changed. As a result, your menstrual cycle is not as normal as it used to be. You may experience missed periods, prolonged menstruation or menstrual blood is dark . So, women should not ignore this unusual sign.

7. Pain or bleeding after sex

Even sisters who do not have uterine problems may also see blood appearing after sex. However, if the feeling of pain and bleeding after sex occurs more often, it can be a potential health problem in reproductive organs such as cervical cancer. You should get tested early when you see this sign.

8. Anemia

Anemia can occur with cervical cancer because the number of healthy red blood cells is reduced and replaced by white blood cells to reverse the disease. Anemia often causes sick people to feel tired and exhausted of energy, lose weight with no known cause and lose appetite.