Born only 35ml of blood (equivalent to 2 tablespoons) in the whole body, the rest flows in blood vessels are water, Frankie Morrison baby still survives wonderfully, lovely plump

Dizziness is a common condition and has many causes, so you should not underestimate.

Nine-spotted bananas produce ingredients that cause tumor necrosis, prevent anemia, depression, treat heartburn, keep blood pressure stable ...

Blood disease is a dangerous disease of modern times. The incidence of disease is increasing but in fact many people still do not know and care about this dangerous disease.

New research has shown that eating ice cold will boost the spirit of anemia and iron deficiency.

A new study in the United States found low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of anemia in children.

Indian scientists have recently announced that they have successfully developed red blood cells from spinal stem cells that they believe could be used as

Researchers say anemia could triple the risk of death within a year after a stroke, UPI news agency reported.

A group of scientists from many Chinese medical institutions and universities are conducting research on a new way to treat thalassemia in alpha form, a form of hereditary anemia

Danish scientists have found a way to change people's blood type. This is considered a breakthrough in resolving anemia in hospitals.