Benefits when eating bananas

Nine-spotted bananas produce ingredients that cause tumor necrosis, prevent anemia, depression, treat heartburn, keep blood pressure stable .

Many people throw away overly ripe bananas that appear dark spots. According to health experts, black spot bananas bring a lot of health benefits. Here are the benefits of ripe bananas, according to Boldsky.

Increases resistance to cancer

Studies prove that spotted banana produces a factor that causes tumor necrosis of TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) to work against cancer cells.


Black spot bananas contain potassium, which helps to reduce muscle cramps during the menstrual cycle.

Picture 1 of Benefits when eating bananas
Black spot bananas bring a lot of health benefits.


Many foods can make the ulcers and body wounds worse. However, bananas have a soft texture, easily pass through the digestive tract and provide essential nutrients to make wounds heal faster.

Prevent anemia

Iron-containing bananas can prevent anemia.

Prevent depression

Tryptophan is a rich amino acid in bananas that works in serotonin production. Therefore, eating bananas can prevent depression.

Cure heartburn

Instead of relying on antacids, eating spotted bananas can cure your heartburn.

Keep blood pressure stable

Your body needs enough potassium to maintain blood pressure. Eat bananas regularly to prevent blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Increase energy

Bananas provide energy for the body, are good for building muscles and supporting the digestive system.