How to make the most of the benefits of bananas

We all know that banana is a fruit that has many benefits. However, some people who do not like to eat bananas or are tired of this nutritious fruit may refer.

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1. Bananas are used to make ice cream or smoothies

You can eat bananas directly or refrigerate them very well. You can also add bananas to ice cream or smoothies to make the dish more lively.

Picture 1 of How to make the most of the benefits of bananas

2. Add bananas to morning cereal

Fruits and cereals are the perfect choice to start the day. Adding bananas to the morning cereal mixture is the best way to increase its nutritional value. If you don't like to eat cereal, make a banana smoothie to provide enough nutrients for an active day.

3. Use bananas instead of grilled oil

Oil contains high calories and can make you easily gain weight. Bananas can substitute for oil, even butter and eggs for baked goods and help balance the nutritional value of this attractive dish.

4. Add bananas to the sandwich

The idea of ​​a banana sandwich sounds strange but they're really great. Spread any kind of nut butter you like on whole-grain bread and add sliced ​​bananas or crushed bananas and enjoy them. It will surprise you with a special flavor and high nutritional value.

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