Bananas - Things you don't know

Bananas are fruits that you usually enjoy every day but do you know all the benefits of this fruit? Learn more about the positive effects of bananas through this article to see that bananas are a wise choice in your daily diet.

Picture 1 of Bananas - Things you don't know

1. If you are anemic, you should eat bananas because bananas contain a lot of iron, which stimulates the production of blood hemoglobin.

2. Doctors in India have discovered that if you eat 2 bananas a day, your blood pressure will drop by 10% in just one week. So bananas will be very good for people with high blood pressure.

3. The nutritional composition of bananas contains a high amount of fiber and is like a very good laxative, improving the digestive function of the intestine and preventing constipation.

4. An investigation was conducted with many people with physical weakness and this survey demonstrated that bananas have a very positive effect on such cases.

5. Another US study concluded that eating five bananas a day would be an effective prescription to increase potassium and lower sodium levels in the blood. The average banana will provide about 400mg of potassium and the increased potassium will help prevent hypertension as well as the phenomenon of convulsions.

6. In some tropical areas, people often use the inside of banana peels to rub on the burning salt to reduce swelling and itching.

7. Nutrition experts have conducted research on obesity in Austria. They have discovered bananas as an ideal fruit to help you lose weight. Bananas contain quite a lot of vitamins while containing less calories (each banana contains about 87calo only). The Austrian Psychological Research Institute also came to the conclusion that if you eat a banana for 2 hours, you will no longer have the desire to eat other high-fat, sweet foods like chocolate. or dried potatoes.

8. Bananas also help you reduce nausea when you're sick because bananas contain ingredients that regulate blood glucose.

9. The banana also contains an amino acid called Trypotophan which is essential in the daily diet of humans. It is also considered a protein that transforms into serotonin to help our bodies relax and stimulate the human spirit.

10. Bananas are very soft, easy to digest and absorb so it is good for the digestive system. Moreover, this fruit is very easy to buy and quite cheap but it works to soothe the ulcers on the body due to its ability to neutralize acid.

11. In addition to the potassium content in bananas, it also contains a significant amount of magnesium and copper. The composition of these two elements helps your body eliminate everyday fatigue and have a good sleep.